Tuesday 2 July 2013

MIA - Highlights of the last few months.

I cannot believe it was February when I last blogged - where has the time gone?
Highlight for March was definitely a cruise on the Opera to Namibia - what a beautiful country!

This was followed by our school's annual Ellie Fair - a fun day of food, games and lots of work for staff and parents but most enjoyable!

We then had a "What I want to be when I grow up" day. It was heartening to see how many kids want to be teachers!

Term 2's highlights included our music day with Sue Fawset who taught us so much about musical instruments in 1 hour that the kids were spellbound.

We also had our annual South African Braai for South Africa Day. Hard work but lots of fun!

The childre made and presented their first project - a weather measuring device which had to be made from recycled materials and they did themselves proud!

Well I certainly hope that quick catch up will get me motivated to keep more up to date!
I'm off to do some scrapbook work now!

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