Sunday, 24 November 2013

Concert time!

We have spent a lot of time over the past few weeks practicing our dances, movements, words and microphone skills. On Friday we held our dress rehearsal and all seemed to be ok except for the sound. The microphones were not working as they should and I think I gaineda few more grey hairs because of this! Well the concert is on Tuesday so I have my fingers crossed!!!!

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Ocean Projects

The Children proudly show off their wonderful projects! Well done you guys on presenting such diverse ideas. We have dioramas, posters, books, a mobile and models of the creatures. I am such a proud teacher!!!!!

A dark week at Stepping Stones!

Monday 4th November we were greeted by the news that one of my littlies had drowned in the lagoon. Shock and dismay turned to tears and grief as we as a school tried to work through this devastating news. As she was a classmate I gave each child a piece of paper and told them to do what felt right to them - they could draw, write, cut or anything that they felt was a way of expressing themselves. Need less to say some children went through many pieces and others worked quietly on one. It was a difficult week and all the children were encouraged to express themselves at any time. We placed a memorial table is the foyer with a picture of Naledi, a candle, flowers and a book of remembrance. All children, staff and parents were encouraged to write in the book and this will be sent home to Naledi's parents.
Naledi enjoying an ice-cream on one of our outings.