Friday, 30 November 2012

Children of the World Day

Dressed to the 'nines'.
 It has been a long time since our last blog and a lot has happened. We celebrated 'Children of the World' by dressing up as children from various countries. We also tasted foods from selected countries (our class did USA and Holland). A great time was had by all and they all looked lovely - even the teachers got in on the act!


Sweet girls.

Pretty teachers!

A good time was had by all!

Saturday, 10 November 2012


This week my 'smarties' worked with 'Smarties'. Each child had to bring a 40g box of 'Smarties' to school. First we estimated how many sweets there were in our box.Next we counted them. Then a variety of tasks had to be done. How many of each colour?  Which colour had the most?  Least? Subtract and add problems etc. Well they certainly worked hard and the payoff? Well neat work was done by all!!! and of course they ate the 'Smarties at break time- What a good job!

 Let's put all the colours together!
 Mmmm! I wonder if it will make any difference if I eat one now?
 Add them all up and what have I got?
 What do you think?
 Does it have the answer on the box?
24, 25, 26...

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Fun Run and Ocean animal projects

Well our annual Fun Run went off without a hitch and the weather was perfect except for the wind which decided to blow stronger as the day progressed!
Then Friday was project day and all the Grade 2 children ( except 1 - there always has to be one!) arrived with their projects. We had such a lovely variety although sharks were of course a favourite. I had allowed any type of format - poster, book, model etc. So we have a lovely variety of works. I am so proud of them - well done you are all stars!