Saturday, 28 April 2012

Celebrating being Proudly South African for Freedom Day

 We all dressed up in traditional or sporting or flag colours outfits. Grade 2 had lots of Green and Gold!
 We all brought traditional SA food to tast. A table full of melktert, koeksusters, samoosas, wors, biltong, vetkoek, hertzoggies and thank good ness some grapes!
 An avid South African supporter!
 A future Abie De Villiers!
Two traditional Xhosa outfits!
A most enjoyable day where we learned about our country and it's traditions. 18 years of democracy and freedom celebrated by all!

Monday, 23 April 2012

Starting our weather unit we wrote about meteorlogists and made some cute cut outs. Children really did well with this!

 Today we started our wind experiments and made paper folding fans and helicopters which we dropped from our treehouse and watched fly down - super activity (can we do it again teacher? _ please????)
 Some cloud ideas I got from pinterest - the best place for ideas!!!
Our water experiment - do plants need water? The red dye worked almost immediately, yello a little slower and the green hardly at all - interesting!!

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Water week

We finished the first term with some water week activities. We did water experiments! Discussed the path of a river. Followed the river (stream) that runs along our school as far as we could ( alot of the area was overgrown - a huge pity!) Got int groups and with string dividing the sandpit we created rivers digging and moulding the sand to our liking - unfortunately there seemed to be a lot of disagrreing too so teacher had to play referee too. Once the rivers were completed we tested them by pouring in the water and seeing how it flowed. Much fun and enjoyment! I am also including a pic of my display wall created with a lot of pinterest ideas!!!