Saturday, 28 January 2012

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Chameleon time!

Well today was certainly a time for chameleons! One marched smartly across our deck during maths lesson time so all kids jumped up to 'have a look' and then at home time we found one climbing up the tree outside the classroom - so cute!
Last week the kids created some super artwork with their names. We used wax pastels and the colours were awesome!
I also managed to take pictures of the entrance to my classroom. Enjoy!

Sunday, 22 January 2012

The hottest first week ever!

Well we survived a heat wave and managed to get settled in. The children are all eager and happy to try any and everything! I just fount this week extremely enegy sapping! I have been trying to get everything up and running but as per usual there has to be a glitch - the laminator decided that it was no longer going to work and considering it is only 3 months old - it a bummer!!! So now nothing is laminated! Well week 2 can only be better we hope!

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Sunday - the day before school starts for the children. I have spent the past four days getting ready so if something is not done it is not getting done. The classroom is ready. The book covers, files. labels are all done. So many new ideas from the wonderful teachers on blogs and pinterest - a thousand thanks!! and hours spent tackling CAPS - not such new ideas but still necessary! I also spent Friday afternoon at hockey training (guess who will be a new hockey coach -Lucky me and anyone who knows me will tell you I am not a sports person).
I hope to post some pictures of the first day in the coming week - if my computer will play the game!
Wish me luck as I face the 21 cute, eager little grade two's tomorrow!

Sunday, 8 January 2012

First Day:

Having been a teacher blogs fan for quite some time now I have decided to try my hand at it and hopefully have something to share with all these wonderful people. We start the new year on the 16th of January so I am still on leave ( thank goodness because it is extremely hot at the moment and I do not think the children will be able to concentrate).
I hope to share a little about a lovely little school, town and area with others.